Media Center cable channel 30 and regional channel 27 and AT&T U-verse channel 99
- Show airs 5-7 times per week
- Communities served include Atherton, Palo Alto, Menlo Park
- Available on Comcast Cable, AT&T U-verse, and Google
- Cable TV reach: 33,000 viewers
- Internet streaming video reach: 3,000,000+ viewer
CreaTV cable channels 15, 28, and 30 and AT&T U-verse channel 99
- Show airs once, weekly
- Communities served include Cupertino and San Jose
- Available on Comcast Cable, AT&T U-verse, and Google
- Cable TV reach: 150,000 viewers
- 4 million viewers live streaming
KMTV Community Television Mountain View Channel 15 and AT&T U-verse channel 99
- Show airs once, weekly
- Communities served: throughout the Bay Area
- Available on Comcast Cable, AT&T U-verse, and Google
- Cable TV reach: 400,000 viewers
- Internet streaming video reach: 5,000,000+ viewers
- KMVTV online viewer reach: 1,700,000 viewers
PenTV Lifestyle Peninsula Television, Inc. Comcast cable channel 26, Wave 27 and AT&T U-verse 99
- Show airs 4 times per week
- Communities served in San Mateo County
- Cable TV reach: over 275,000 households
- Current livestream channel views at 22,377 and counting
- Each original PenTV episode on Vimeo/YouTube also has # of views,
- Online views can be seen worldwide
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